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The provider of this website is:

ORLEN Unipetrol Deutschland GmbH
Paul-Ehrlich-Str. 1b
D-63225 Langen

Tel. +49 (0) 6103-2058-0 
Fax +49 (0) 6103-2058-100

Company Executives​: 
Andrzej Heflik
Robert Golombek

Commercial register entry:
Registration court: AG Offenbach am Main
Commercial register number: HRB 34346
Registered office: Langen

VAT number:
DE 114139429
AEO certificate: DE AEOF 118574
ORLEN Unipetrol Deutschland GmbH is a member of the ORLEN Unipetrol Group.

Responsible person within the meaning of Section 55 of the German Interstate Broadcasting Treaty:
Andrzej Heflik​

Postal address: 
ORLEN Unipetrol Deutschland GmbH
Paul-Ehrlich-Str. 1b
D-63225 Langen

Consumer dispute resolution
The EU Commission has established a platform for out-of-court on-line settlement of disputes between consumers and enterprises at the address​.
ORLEN ​Unipetrol Deutschland GmbH is not obliged to participate in dispute settlement proceedings before a consumer arbitration board within the meaning of the German Consumer Dispute Settlement Act and shall not participate in such proceedings.

Legal notices
In the event of any links from this website to third-party websites lying outside of the provider’s sphere of responsibility ("links") the provider declares that, as at the moment when the link was created, the respective linked websites were, to the best of its knowledge, free from illegal content. However, it has no influence over the respective current content of linked websites and in this respect also assumes no liability for it. If you discover any illegal content on linked websites, we kindly request that you send us brief information regarding this.

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Značky Skupiny UNIPETROL